Eyelid Surgery: The Process Of Your Decision


Andrea Avery

As with any plastic surgery, having work done on your eyelids is something you should give much consideration to before moving forward. Don’t rush into the decision, opting for the procedure just because of one ill-advised comment.

While it will give your face a younger appearance, the procedure, as is the case with any operation, has possible complications. These are issues that need to be discussed with your doctor before signing on for the procedure. Individuals with medical conditions or circulatory or ophthalmoligical issues should discuss any possible procedure with their physician.

Eyelid surgery, which is called blepharoplasty, takes excess skin, fat and muscle from the upper and lower lids. While the benefits normally far outweigh possible side effects, potential patients need to be aware of everything involved with the procedure. Temporary side effects can include soreness, bruising, swelling and dry eyes.


In consulting with a facial plastic surgeon, he or she may suggest other surgeries to consider which could improve the success of the eyelid surgery. A forehead lift to remedy a drooping brow or skin resurfacing to remove wrinkles from the eye area may be other surgeries to consider when talking with the plastic surgeon.

During the consultation, the doctor will look at the patient’s eyes to ensure that eyelid surgery will bring about the desired results. The consultation is the appropriate time to discuss any eye problems or health issues with the physician.

People best suited for blepharoplasty are normally well-informed about the process, physically fit and stable emotionally. They are normally beyond 35 years of age. Conditions that could keep the process from being done on a patient include diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, glaucoma, Graves’ disease, dry eye and hypothyroidism. A patient’s bone structure and immune system also play a role in determining his or her candidacy for the procedure.

Patients who have an ophthalmologist should visit him or her to discuss the procedure before meeting with a plastic surgeon regarding eyelid surgery. When meeting with the plastic surgeon, bring a copy of your most recent eye exam, as well as your contact lenses or glasses, to give the medical profession the opportunity to ensure nothing will change with your prescription as a result of the surgery. In the consultation, also let the doctor know of any medications or vitamins you are taking. Also let the doctor know of any allergies that you may have. The more the doctor knows about your medical history, the easier it is to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for eyelid surgery.

During the consultation, the doctor and patient will discuss desired outcome, benefits, potential risks, the procedure and available options. The doctor will also talk about where the procedure will be done in a hospital or other health care facility and the costs associated with the surgery. Along with taking your medical history, an exam will be done on the eyelid area and you will be given a vision test. The doctor will also check your tear-production ability during the consultation.

Eyelid surgery in Philadelphia

can correct concerns such as sagging, drooping or even vision impairment. Learn more here:



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